SIAM > Conferences > CM > AN17-Menu > Program > Accepted Papers

Accepted Papers

Accepted Papers

The Moser-Tardos Resample algorithm: Where is the limit? (an experimental inquiry)
Mario Szegedy, Jan Dean Catarata, Scott Corbett, Tomas Vyskocil, Zheng Zhang and Harry Stern

Parallel d-D Delaunay Triangulations in Shared and Distributed Memory
Daniel Funke and Peter Sanders

Determining Tournament Payout Structures for Daily Fantasy Sports
Christopher Musco, Justin Thaler and Maxim Sviridenko

An Efficient Algorithm for the 1D Total Visibility-Index Problem
Ben Karsin, Peyman Afshani, Henri Casanova, Mark de Berg, Colin Lambrechts, Nodari Sitchinava and Constantinos Tsirogiannis

Map Simplification with Topology Constraints: Exactly and in Practice
Stefan Funke, Thomas Mendel, Alexander Miller, Sabine Storandt and Maria Wiebe

CSA++: Fast Pattern Search for Large Alphabets
Simon Gog, Alistair Moffat and Matthias Petri

Computing the Expected Value and Variance of Geometric Measures
Frank Staals and Constantinos Tsirogiannis

Robust Massively Parallel Sorting
Michael Axtmann and Peter Sanders

Growing Balls in R^d
Daniel Bahrdt, Michael Becher, Stefan Funke, Filip Krumpe, André Nusser, Martin P. Seybold and Sabine Storandt

Engineering a Distributed Full-Text Index
Johannes Fischer, Florian Kurpicz and Peter Sanders

Distributed Graph-based Topology Adaptation using Motif Signatures
Michael Stein, Karsten Weihe, Augustin Wilberg, Roland Kluge, Julian M. Klomp, Mathias Schnee, Lin Wang and Max Mühlhäuser

Indexing Variation Graphs
Jouni Sirén

Engineering a direct k-way Hypergraph Partitioning Algorithm
Sebastian Schlag, Yaroslav Akhremtsev, Tobias Heuer and Peter Sanders

Computing critical nodes in directed graphs
Nilakantha Paudel, Loukas Georgiadis and Giuseppe F. Italiano

Engineering External Memory Induced Suffix Sorting
Juha Kärkkäinen, Dominik Kempa, Simon Puglisi and Bella Zhukova

Elias-Fano meets Single-Term Top-k Document Retrieval
Julian Labeit and Simon Gog

Asynchronous column generation
Saverio Basso and Alberto Ceselli

Efficient Set Intersection Counting Algorithm for Text Similarity Measures
Preethi Lahoti, Patrick K. Nicholson and Bilyana Taneva

I/O-efficient Generation of Massive Graphs Following the LFR Benchmark
Michael Hamann, Ulrich Meyer, Manuel Penschuck and Dorothea Wagner

I/O-Efficient Event Based Depression Flood Risk
Lars Arge, Mathias Rav, Sarfraz Raza and Morten Revsbæk

Compact Dynamic Rewritable (CDRW) Arrays
Andreas Poyias, Simon Puglisi and Rajeev Raman