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SIAM Mission


SIAM fosters the development of applied mathematical and computational methodologies needed in various application areas. Applied mathematics, in partnership with computational science, is essential in solving many real-world problems. Through publications, research and community, the mission of SIAM is to build cooperation between mathematics and the worlds of science and technology.

About SIAM

Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) is an international community of over 14,000 individual members. Almost 500 academic, manufacturing, research and development, service and consulting organizations, government, and military organizations worldwide are institutional members. SIAM was incorporated in 1952 as a nonprofit organization to convey useful mathematical knowledge to other professionals who could implement mathematical theory for practical, industrial, or scientific use. Since then, SIAM’s goals have remained the same.

  • To advance the application of mathematics and computational science to engineering, industry, science, and society.
  • To promote research that will lead to effective new mathematical and computational methods and techniques for science, engineering, industry, and society.
  • To provide media for the exchange of information and ideas among mathematicians, engineers, and scientists.


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By the Numbers

What is Applied Mathematics and Computational Science?

Applied Mathematics

Applied mathematics focuses on developing mathematical methods and applying them to science, engineering, industry, and society. This branch of mathematics uses math modeling techniques to solve important, challenging real-world problems.

Computational Science

Computational science integrates applied mathematics, computer science, engineering, and the sciences to create a multidisciplinary field utilizing computational techniques and simulations to produce problem-solving techniques and methodologies.

How are Applied Mathematics and Computational Science Used?

Applied mathematics and computational science are used in nearly every discipline of science, engineering, industry, and technology. Industry relies on these disciplines for the design and manufacture of aircraft, automobiles, textiles, computers, communication systems, prescription drugs, and more.

Manufacturing Design and Evaluation

Computational science and applied mathematics play key roles in the simulation and prototype of designing and testing automotives. Computer-aided designs are now being used by automotive companies to test performance, safety, and ergonomics. In doing so, they are dramatically lowering the cost of constructing and testing prototypes.


Computational simulations in aircraft design have been used to analyze the lift and drag of airfoil designs since the early days of computing. Advanced computation and simulation are now essential tools in the design and manufacture of an aircraft.


A major advance in computing power will enable scientists to incorporate knowledge about interactions between the oceans, the atmosphere and living ecosystems, such as swamps, forests, grasslands and the tundra, into the models used to predict long-term change. Scientists will be able to reduce uncertainties regarding long term climate change and provide input for the formulation of energy and environmental policy, as well as abate the impact of violent storms.


Accurate simulation of combustion systems offers the promise of developing the understanding needed to improve efficiency and reduce emissions as mandated by U.S. public policy. Achieving predictive simulation of combustion processes will require terascale computing and an unprecedented level of integration among disciplines including physics, chemistry, engineering, mathematics, and computer science.


Applied mathematics and computational science is also useful in finance to design trading strategy, assist in asset allocation, and assess risk. Many large and successful hedge fund companies have successfully employed mathematics to do quantitative portfolio management and trading.

Communications and Transportation

Both the communications and transportation industries have long been active users of mathematics. Some of the earliest applications of operations research were to the scheduling of supply networks, and that continues to be the case today. Algorithms to direct traffic on the internet and codes that enable cell phones to share the same bandwidth have been crucial to the commercial success of the internet and wireless communication industries, respectively.

Manufacturing Design And Evaluation

Computational science and applied mathematics play key roles in the simulation and prototype of designing and testing automotives. Computer-aided designs are now being used by automotive companies to test performance, safety, and ergonomics. In doing so, they are dramatically lowering the cost of constructing and testing prototypes.

Aircraft Simulation

Computational simulations in aircraft design have been used to analyze the lift and drag of airfoil designs since the early days of computing. Advanced computation and simulation are now essential tools in the design and manufacture of an aircraft.

Computing Power

A major advance in computing power will enable scientists to incorporate knowledge about interactions between the oceans, the atmosphere and living ecosystems, such as swamps, forests, grasslands and the tundra, into the models used to predict long-term change. Scientists will be able to reduce uncertainties regarding long term climate change and provide input for the formulation of energy and environmental policy, as well as abate the impact of violent storms.

Emissions Reduction

Accurate simulation of combustion systems offers the promise of developing the understanding needed to improve efficiency and reduce emissions as mandated by U.S. public policy. Achieving predictive simulation of combustion processes will require terascale computing and an unprecedented level of integration among disciplines including physics, chemistry, engineering, mathematics, and computer science.

Financial Assessments

Applied mathematics and computational science is also useful in finance to design trading strategy, assist in asset allocation, and assess risk. Many large and successful hedge fund companies have successfully employed mathematics to do quantitative portfolio management and trading.

Communications and Transportation

Both the communications and transportation industries have long been active users of mathematics. Some of the earliest applications of operations research were to the scheduling of supply networks, and that continues to be the case today. Algorithms to direct traffic on the Internet and codes that enable cell phones to share the same bandwidth have been crucial to the commercial success of the Internet and wireless communication industries, respectively.