In Person

SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering (CSE23)

About the Conference

This is the meeting of the SIAM Activity Group on Computational Science and Engineering.

The SIAM International Meshing Roundtable Workshop 2023 (SIAM IMR23) is being planned as a satellite event.

Computational Science and Engineering (CSE) complement theory and experiment as a critical component of scientific discovery. CSE is indispensable for leading edge investigation and engineering design in a vast number of industrial sectors, including for example, aerospace, automotive, biological, chemical, and semiconductor technologies that all rely increasingly on advanced modeling and simulation. CSE also contributes to policy and decisions relating to human health, resources, transportation, and defense. Finally, in many new areas such as medicine, the life sciences, management and marketing (e.g., data and stream mining), and finance, techniques and algorithms from CSE are of growing importance.CSE is naturally interdisciplinary. Its goals concern understanding and analyzing complex systems, predicting their behavior, and optimizing processes and designs. CSE thus grows out of physical applications, while depending on computer architecture and software, and having at its core powerful algorithms. At the frontiers of CSE remain many open problems and challenges, including the verification, validation, and uncertainty quantification of computational models; the analysis and assimilation of large and complex data sets, including techniques for visualization and animation; and the design of flexible CSE software.

The SIAM CSE conference seeks to enable in-depth technical discussions on a wide variety of major computational efforts on large-scale problems in science and engineering, foster the interdisciplinary culture required to meet these large-scale challenges, and promote the training of the next generation of computational scientists.

Statement on Potentially Offensive Material
There is no general rule on what material is appropriate for presentation at SIAM conferences. However, we urge participants to be aware that the use of some material (text, images, etc.) may offend attendees of SIAM conferences, and to refrain from using this material in their presentations. For example, the "Lena image," which is a segment of centerfold that appeared in a 1972 “adult” magazine, has in the past been used in publications on imaging, and is inconsistent with efforts to promote women in science and engineering. SIAM will not consider journal submissions containing images such as this, and we request that all SIAM conference participants also refrain from using similar material in any presentations.

Photos at CSE23
We will have a photographer at CSE23 capturing the great event. Photos will be posted to SIAM’s Facebook page following the conference. If you’re feeling shy, please let the photographer know you prefer not to be photographed.

COVID-19 Safety
SIAM joins the international scientific community in strongly recommending all members of the public to follow the advice of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the World Health Organization, the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control and federal, state, and local health authorities in taking appropriate precautions to protect themselves and those around them against the risk of contracting COVID-19.

Read these guidelines about traveling to the Netherlands from abroad.

Organizing Committee Co-chairs

Karen Devine, Sandia National Laboratories, US
Dirk Hartmann, Siemens Industry Software, Germany
Wil Schilders, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands

Organizing Committee

Wolfgang Bangerth, Colorado State University, U.S.
Erin Carson, Charles University, Czech Republic
Tiangang Cui, Monash University, Australia
Kate Evans, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, U.S.
David Gleich, Purdue University, U.S.
Zoltán Horváth, Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary
Alicia Klinvex, Naval Nuclear Laboratory, US
Sarah Knepper, Intel, U.S.
Natasa Krejic, University of Novi Sad, Serbia
Stefan Kurz, Bosch, Germany
Jeffrey Sachs, Merck & Co., Inc., Rahway, NJ, US
Hans De Sterck, University of Waterloo, Canada
Kees Vuik, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands
Andrea Walther, Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany; GAMM

Funding Agency

SIAM and the Organizing Committee wish to extend their thanks and appreciation to the DOE Office of Advanced Scientific Computing Research for their support.

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