In Person

SIAM Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems (DS23)

About the Conference

This is the conference of the SIAM Activity Group on Dynamical Systems.

The application of dynamical systems theory to areas outside of mathematics continues to be a vibrant, exciting, and fruitful endeavor. These application areas are diverse and multidisciplinary, covering areas that include biology, chemistry, physics, climate science, social science, industrial mathematics, data science, and more. This conference strives to amass a blend of application-oriented material and the mathematics that informs and supports the discipline. The goals of the conference are a cross-fertilization of ideas from different application areas and increased communication between those who develop dynamical-systems techniques and the mathematicians, scientists, and engineers who use them.

Organizing Committee Co-Chairs

Claire Postlethwaite, University of Auckland, New Zealand
Krasimira Tsaneva-Atanasova, University of Exeter, United Kingdom

Organizing Committee

Alethea Barbaro, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands
Christina Edholm, Scripps College, U.S.
Gary Froyland, University of New South Wales, Australia
Dimitris Giannakis, Dartmouth University, U.S.
Nicolas Hengartner, Los Alamos National Laboratory, U.S.
Peko Hosoi, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, U.S.
Eva Kanso, University of Southern California, U.S.
Rich Kerswell, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
Tamiki Komatsuzaki, Hokkaido University, Japan
Kathrin Padberg-Gehle, Leuphana University Lüneburg, Germany
Clarence W. Rowley, Princeton University, U.S
Chad Topaz, Williams College, U.S. and QSIDE Institute, U.S.
Alexandria Volkening, Purdue University, U.S.

Funding Agency

SIAM and the Organizing Committee wish to extend their thanks and appreciation to the U.S. National Science Foundation and DOE Office of Advanced Scientific Computing Research for their support.

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