Sample SIAM Activity Group Rules of Procedure states that "at least two candidates must be nominated for each office and the nomination process must provide the opportunity for any modest-sized group of SIAM Activity Group members to nominate candidates." The Rules of Procedure also state that "Elections will follow standard SIAG practices." These election guidelines spell out in more detail what is meant by the term "standard practices."

The Chair of the Activity Group is responsible for putting the Nominating Committee together. However, the SIAM Activity Group Chair does not have to serve on the Committee.

Nominating Committee

  1. Members of the Nominating Committee must be members of the Activity Group.
  2. The Nominating Committee should be composed of four to six members; at least two of whom should not be current officers of the SIAM Activity Group. Members of the Nominating Committee may include officers of the SIAM Activity Group.
  3. The SIAM Vice President at Large must approve the Nominating Committee membership before it begins deliberation. In consultation with the current SIAM Activity Group officers, the SIAM Vice President will also specify the Chair of the Nominating Committee. The Chair of the Nominating Committee is responsible for convening the Committee.
  4. The Nominating Committee is responsible for contacting each nominee to ensure that the nominee is willing to run for the designated office.
  5. Typically, announcement of the Nominating Committee is made at a SIAM Activity Group Business Meeting, in a SIAM Activity Group Newsletter, or on the SIAM Activity Group electronic mailing list. This announcement should include a solicitation for possible nominees.
  6. Current officers may wish to run again for a different position, so in the uniform rules of procedure no particular officer is listed as an ex officio member of the Nominating Committee.

Nominees for Office

  1. Elections must be contested by two candidates. Exceptions can only be approved by the SIAM Vice President at Large.
  2. Individuals who are chosen to stand for a SIAM Activity Group office must not be members of the Nominating Committee.
  3. Individuals who are chosen to stand for a SIAM Activity Group office must be members of that SIAM Activity Group.
  4. Diversity and gender equity are goals that are strongly supported by SIAM. Nominating committees are requested to consider these issues when choosing slates of candidates. Diversity should also be sought in employment (Academia, Industry, Labs, Government), geography, scientific area, etc.
  5. Slates of candidates should not include more than one person from any institution.
  6. Generally, SIAM Activity Group officers serve only one term in a given office.

Other Considerations

  1. All dues-paying SIAM members who are members of the activity group are eligible to vote in SIAM Activity Group elections.
  2. Elections cannot be altered after they have launched.

Activity Group Election Cycle

    • SIAG Chair appoints Nominating Committee (Late June - Early July)
    • Nominees identified (Late August - Early September)
    • Ballots posted online (Mid-October)
    • Election complete (Late November)
    • New officers take office (January 1)