About Sections

Membership in most sections is free and automatic for any current SIAM member living in the geographical area served by the section. To get involved with a section, simply find and attend a section activity or event or contact the section officers in your area. Contact information can be found on each section's website. If there is not a section currently serving your geographic area, consider starting one!

Section FAQ

  • Why Get Involved?

  • Am I Eligible?

  • How Much Does It Cost?

  • What Are the Benefits?

Section Purpose and Vision

Keep It Local

SIAM sections are regional subgroups of SIAM members. Sections should support SIAM's mission, but are not limited to the sub-specialties within it. A sectional region might be non-contiguous in order to include members in a geographically remote area.

Bring SIAM to You

Sections provide a convenient and inexpensive way for SIAM members to gather and participate in organized regional activities. They help give applied mathematics an identity locally, and attract people to the field through increased involvement in SIAM.

Networking Opportunities

Members who are unable to attend main SIAM conferences, oftentimes students and those early in their career, can benefit from the exposure and experience SIAM meetings provide, without the added travel expense and time away from work!

Activities in a Digital Age

Section activities have traditionally involved face-to-face meetings, lectures, conferences, and social events. As sections are formed in developing countries, where travel may be more difficult or expensive, and as methods of communication evolve, we will see the use of more virtual section activities. Online activities may be of great use for those living in remote regions and can help facilitate cross-sectional activities.