About Student Chapters

Interdisciplinary participation of students and faculty from a variety of departments provides invaluable opportunities to develop networks with faculty members outside of the classroom, share ideas and research with people with similar interests, learn about career options, and develop leadership skills.

Chapter activities can include:

  • lunch discussions about career opportunities
  • lectures by guest speakers
  • undergraduate competitions and social functions
  • field trips to industrial laboratories or SIAM section meetings


Student Members From Around the World

Chapter Spotlight

University of Bath SIAM-IMA Student Chapter

During her Past President’s Address, Irene Fonseca spoke about the future of SIAM’s international student chapters and presented videos made by student chapters from all over the world! Watch this video from the University of Bath SIAM-IMA Student Chapter to learn about what their chapter has done, why they enjoy being a part of it, and a little bit about their institution.

Chapter officers are required to submit updates for chapter contact information, websites, social media pages, events, faculty advisers, and officer elections.

Submit Updates to SIAM Membership Staff