About the Fund

After nearly 35 years at SIAM, Michelle Montgomery, longtime MathWorks Math Modeling Challenge (M3 Challenge) Program Director, retired in 2023. Michelle started M3 Challenge in her role as SIAM Director of Marketing and Communications, which she held for 30+ years, until she transitioned her focus solely to M3 Challenge. During Michelle's years at SIAM, she has been instrumental not only on marketing and communications but also on the growth of SIAM's education, outreach, and programmatic initiatives. If you share our feelings of deep gratitude for Michelle, we ask for your help in honoring her contributions to the applied math and computational science community.

In honor of Michelle’s retirement, SIAM established the Math Modeling Teacher Support Fund. The fund supports teachers who want to bring math modeling to their students but may not have the resources to do so without philanthropic support. 

Help us celebrate Michelle and her many years of hard work and dedication by making a gift in her honor to the Math Modeling Teacher Support Fund.