Proposal form for a SIAM-sponsored conference or workshop This form is for requesting financial or administrative support for a conference or workshop that is not a regularly scheduled SIAG meeting. Complete and e-mail proposal form to Richard Moore , Director of Programs and Services. 1. This proposal is for a conference: _______ or workshop: _________ (please check one) 2. Name of proposed meeting: ___________________________________ 3. Proposed dates: ___________________ Number of meeting days: _______________ 4. Estimated attendance: _________________ 5. Proposed location: ___________________________________________ 6. Which organization is taking financial responsibility for the proposed meeting: _______________________ Name of contact at this organization: __________________________ 7. Is an organization or group different from the one in item 6 responsible for the scientific program of the proposed meeting Yes ____ No ____ If yes, please list: _________________________ 8. Frequency of proposed meeting: Annual ____ Biennial ____ One-Time Only _____ (Approval of the proposal for this meeting does not imply approval for future meetings.) 9. Proposed meeting themes: 10. Target audience: 11. Why is this proposed meeting appropriate for SIAM members? 12. Explain the scientific rationale, need, and timeliness of the proposed meeting: 13. How does the proposed meeting differ from similar meetings in the field? 14. Is the proposed meeting new for SIAM? Yes ____ No ____ a. If Yes, explain why this proposed meeting is of interest to SIAM members and why SIAM is the appropriate organization to help support this meeting. b. If No, explain how the scientific program of this proposed meeting will differ from previous meetings. 15. Are any SIAM Activity Groups (SIAGs) involved in the planning? Yes ____ No ____ If yes, please list the SIAG(s): _________________ 16. List organizations, other than SIAM, or companies you plan to contact for sponsorship or funding support. 17. Proposed meeting chair(s): 18. Proposed members of the organizing committee, indicating which member will be the SIAM representative: 19. Proposed invited speakers: 20. Please check the types of support you are interested in obtaining from SIAM: Financial support: ______ Invited speaker travel expenses ______ Minitutorial speaker expenses ______ Student or early career travel support ______ Other. Please specify ___________________________________ Administrative support (fees are associated with these services): ______ Collection of abstracts ______ Production of program book ______ Maintenance of meeting Web site ______ Collection of registration fees (only meetings in North America) ______ Other. Please specify ___________________________________