
  • 2019

    Jacob Bedrossian and Nader Masmoudi

    Selection Committee

    • Milton Lopes Filho (Chair)
    • Maria-Carme Calderer
    • Jonathan C. Mattingly
    • Athanasios Tzavaras
    • Michael Weinstein
  • 2017

    Scott N. Armstrong and Charles K. Smart
  • 2015

    Mathew A. Johnson, Pascal Noble, Miguel Rodrigues, and Kevin Zumbrun
  • 2013

    Vivette Girault
  • 2011

    Gui-Qiang G. Chen and Mikhail Feldman
  • 2009

    Chongsheng Cao and Edriss S. Titi
  • 2007

    Stefano Bianchini and Alberto Bressan
  • 2006

    François Golse and Laure Saint-Raymond

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