SIAM Activity Group on Computational Science and Engineering Best Paper Prize

Established in 2018, the prize is awarded to the author or authors of the best paper on the development and use of mathematical and computational tools and methods for solving problems in science, engineering, technology, and society. 

Prize Description

The SIAM Activity Group on Computational Science and Engineering Best Paper Prize (SIAG/CSE Best Paper Prize) is awarded every two years to the author(s) of the best paper, as determined by the prize committee, on the development and use of mathematical and computational tools and methods for solving problems that may arise in broad areas of science, engineering, technology, and society. The prize recognizes a paper that makes an outstanding and potentially long-lasting contribution to the field. The selection criteria emphasize multidisciplinary work opening up new areas of research, and potential broad impact, in addition to novelty, creativity, and overall scientific advancement and quality.


Eligibility Criteria

The qualifying paper must be published in English, in a peer-reviewed journal with a publication date in the four calendar years preceding the year prior to the year of the SIAG/CSE conference. To promote the diversity and inclusiveness of the CSE community, nominations of papers co-authored by women and minorities are encouraged.

For the 2025 award, the paper must have been published between the dates of January 1, 2020 - December 31, 2023. 


Required Materials

  • Nominator’s letter of recommendation for candidate paper
  • Bibliographic citation for candidate paper
  • Digital version of candidate paper (PDF required)

SIAM is now accepting nominations for the 2025 award.

Submit a Nomination

About the SIAM Activity Group on Computational Science and Engineering Best Paper Prize

The SIAG/CSE Best Paper Prize includes a certificate containing the award citation. If the selected paper has multiple authors, each author will receive a certificate. At least one of the awardees is invited to attend the award ceremony and to present the paper as a plenary lecture at the meeting.

Award Date

The prize will be awarded at the 2025 SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering.

Award Presentation

The Chair of the SIAM Activity Group on Computational Science and Engineering and the Chair of the SIAG/CSE Prize Committee on the Best Paper Prize will present the award to the recipient(s). An announcement of the award will appear in SIAM News.

Prize History

  • 2023 Matthew J. Colbrook, Andrew Horning, and Alex Townsend

  • 2021 James Vogel, Jianlin Xia, Stephen Cauley, and Venkataramanan Balakrishnan

  • 2019 Tobin Isaac, Noémi Petra, Georg Stadler, and Omar Ghattas