SIAM Outstanding Paper Prizes

The SIAM Outstanding Paper Prize is not currently active. For the 20 years before it was discontinued in 2019, the SIAM Outstanding Paper Prizes brought attention to papers published in SIAM journals. Three awards were made each year to the authors of papers deemed by SIAM journal editors-in-chief worthy of particular attention.

Prize Description

The SIAM Outstanding Paper Prizes are awarded every year to the authors of the three most outstanding papers published in SIAM journals. The prize is intended to recognize papers that exhibit originality, for example, papers that bring a fresh look at an existing field or that open up new areas of applied mathematics.

Read the full prize specifications.

Eligibility Criteria

Candidate papers are nominated by each SIAM journal editor-in-chief from the papers published electronically in their journal in the three calendar years preceding the year prior to the award year. Up to two papers can be nominated from each journal.

Required Materials

  • Editors-in-chief nominator’s letter of recommendation for candidate paper
  • Bibliographic citation for candidate paper

About the Award

The Outstanding Paper Prize is a $500 monetary prize. SIAM will reimburse one author of each paper for reasonable travel expenses incurred in attending the award ceremony.

Learn more about the past recipients and selection committees.

Award Presentation

The prize will be presented by the SIAM President at the Prizes and Awards Luncheon, held at the SIAM Annual Meeting. The announcement of the award will appear in SIAM News, the SIAM website, and appropriate electronic media.