Prize History

  • 2024

    David Brown


    The 2024 SIAM Prize for Distinguished Service to the Profession is awarded to David Brown in recognition of his decades of commitment to enriching the computational science community. David has been a driving force behind the Computational Science Graduate Fellowship Program at the Department of Energy (DOE), designing, crafting, and leading a unique program for training PhD students to become the next generation of computational scientists. He has contributed to a number of community studies, including the highly influential “Brown Report” that was used as a roadmap for a decade of investments in applied mathematics both at the labs and in academia by the DOE. David has also been a tireless advocate for diversity and inclusion as showcased by his leadership in starting the Sustainable Research Pathways program which has supported hundreds of young scientists from minority-serving institutions, and has become a role-model for attracting underrepresented groups to the national labs. David’s efforts will continue to pay dividends to the SIAM community for many years to come.

    Selection Committee

    • Gitta Kutyniok (Chair)
    • Susanne C. Brenner
    • Bruce Hendrickson
    • Sven Leyffer
    • Jesús María Sanz-Serna
    • Susan Minkoff
    • Jack Xin
  • 2023

    Fadil Santosa
  • 2022

    James Crowley
  • 2021

    Deborah Frank Lockhart
  • 2020

    Tony F. Chan
  • 2019

    Maria J. Esteban
  • 2018

    John Hopcroft
  • Earlier Years

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