Prize History

  • 2024

    Karen E. Willcox


    The 2024 Theodore von Kármán Prize is awarded to Karen E. Willcox for a notable application of mathematics to mechanicsand/or the engineering sciences made during the five to ten years preceding theaward. The award may be given for a significant achievement by one individualor a significant body of work that could have been produced by multiplecontributors.

    Selection Committee

    • Fadil Santosa (Chair)
    • Penny Davies
    • Timothy Davis
  • 2020

    Kaushik Bhattacharya
  • 2014

    Richard D. James
  • 2014

    Weinan E
  • 2009

    Mary F. Wheeler
  • 2004

    Roland Glowinski
  • 1999

    Stuart S. Antman and John M. Ball
  • 1994

    Herbert B. Keller
  • 1989

    Paul R. Garabedian
  • Earlier Years

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