SIAM Prize Policy

SIAM awards prizes to increase the prestige of applied mathematics, to draw attention to it, to encourage research of high quality in it, and to honor those who make outstanding contributions towards these ends. Read our prize policy to learn more about prize committees, prize specifications, and more.

For Anyone Putting Together a Selection Committee 

Read enhanced guidelines on SIAM Prize and Recognition Committee Formation and Processes for anyone who forms committees and encourages nominations.

For Selection Committees

SIAM Prizes are established to highlight the best work in our community. Read the guidelines for SIAM prize selection committees.

For Nominators

Learn how to prepare an effective SIAM Prize nomination and the items that may be required in a nomination package.

For Prize Winners 

Prizes are frequently associated with a SIAM meeting. Read our information for SIAM Prize winners to learn about conference registration, travel expenses, and more.

Prizes & Recognition FAQ 

Find out more about travel awards, eligible expenses, getting reimbursed, submitting a nomination, and more.