About the Program

The SIAM Postdoctoral Support Program is made possible by gifts to the SIAM Postdoctoral Support Fund, which was established by doctors Martin Golubitsky and Barbara Keyfitz. This program provides up to $15,000 in financial support for postdoctoral researchers to work with a mentor from a different institution. The goal is to foster direct research experience and professional development. Up to four postdoc/mentor pairs will be selected annually beginning Summer 2023.

Applicant teams must design and describe a mentoring, research, and collaboration plan that works best for them. The application will remain open until annual funding is expended, but the priority deadline for applications is November 1, 2023.

If you’d like to make a contribution to the SIAM Postdoctoral Support Fund, please donate now. If you have any questions about giving to SIAM or would like to learn more about the ways that your gift can make a difference, please contact Abby Addy, Director of Development and Corporate Relations, at [email protected] or (267) 648-3529.

Eligibility Requirements

  • Proposed areas of research should be relevant to SIAM
  • Substantial, face-to-face collaboration for a minimum of four weeks (which need not be consecutive weeks)
  • Period of funding may not exceed two years
  • Postdoc shall be no more than three years beyond receipt of their Ph.D. at the time of application
  • Postdoc/mentor pairs may not be employed at the same institution or company for the duration of the program, nor shall they have been co-located previously
  • Period of funding must not exceed two years

Mentors may work in academia, industry, or government. U.S.-based postdoc/mentor pairs will receive priority at this time.

Application Requirements

Applicant teams will be asked to provide the following as part of their application.

  • A joint statement and research plan prepared by the postdoc/mentor pair.
  • A letter of intent from the proposed mentor indicating their interest in working with the proposed postdoc.
  • A detailed budget and budget justification requesting no more than $15,000 in financial support. Budgets may not include university overhead.


Nicolás Barnafi

Center for Mathematical Modeling (Santiago, Chile)

Julia Lindberg

University of Texas-Austin

Mattia Manucci

University of Stuttgart

Abba Ramadan

University of Alabama


Jimmie Adriazola

Southern Methodist University

Gabriela Kováčová

University of California, Los Angeles

Jüergen Kritschgau

Portland State University