Mathematical Problems in Industry Workshop

Mathematical Problems in Industry Workshop

MPI, hosted by SIAM and local organizers, brings industrial representatives together with established experts and talented students to model and simulate industrial processes and provide mathematically sound guidance.


The MPI Workshop is a lively, 5-day interaction on problems of interest to science and industry. On the first day, the industry representatives present their problems to the group of participants; these problems vary widely in nature from those requiring basic physical modeling to those requiring significant computation or data analysis. For the rest of the week, the workshop participants break up into small working groups consisting of senior faculty and attending scientists, postdoctoral fellows, graduate students, and the industrial representatives, to discuss and tackle the problems in an informal setting. On the last day of the workshop, an academic representative from each group presents the results obtained and discusses possible future directions. A written report detailing the progress made during the workshop is prepared subsequently and sent to the industry representatives. Upon approval by the industry representative, the reports are posted online. The format of the workshop is not strict and some variation is possible. The Organizing Committee is committed to working with representatives from industry to meet their needs, and we are especially interested in encouraging new contacts with industry while continuing to seek collaborative opportunities with existing ones.


All activities of the Workshop will take place at the University of Vermont from June 25-29. Lodging for industry representatives and visiting faculty will be in local hotels, while lodging for visiting graduate students will be provided in university housing. A light breakfast and lunch will be provided on campus each day for all Workshop participants.


Participation in MPI 2024 is open to mathematicians, scientists and engineers from industry and academia. If you wish to be considered for participation in the Workshop, please complete this online registration form by May 1, 2024. There is no registration fee but space is limited; to ensure the best Workshop outcomes, all applications will be screened to secure an appropriate range of expertise. Early-career faculty and postdocs are especially encouraged to apply. Exceptional applicants may be eligible for some travel support. Graduate students who have participated in previous MPI Workshops or have attended the Graduate Student Mathematical Modeling Camp are also invited to apply.

Confirmed Industry Participants

Industry participants and problems will be listed here as they become available. For examples of industry problems from previous years, follow the links to past MPI Workshops included under Past Programs on SIAM’s MPI/GSMMC website.

If your organization would be interested in presenting a problem at MPI, please contact [email protected].

Organizing Committee

Questions regarding the MPI 2024 workshop should be directed to [email protected].

  • Linda Cummings, New Jersey Institute of Technology
  • David Edwards, University of Delaware
  • Pak-Wing Fok, University of Delaware
  • Peter Kramer, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
  • Taras Lakoba, University of Vermont
  • Richard Moore, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
  • Burt Tilley, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
  • Suzanne Weekes, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics

Schedule and Accommodations

Schedule and accommodations are pending for MPI 2024. MPI will be held at the University of Vermont from June 25-29, please check back for updates. 

2024 Logistics

2024 Schedule

Day of Departure Instructions (Jun. 29)

The MPI Workshop is supported by the National Science Foundation and the Jim Crowley Fund for Student Support. We are also grateful for the support of this year's industry partners.

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