SIAM Undergraduate Research Online

Volume 7

In This Volume

  • The Krein Matrix and an Interlacing Theorem

    Published electronically January 16, 2014

    DOI: 10.1137/13S01256X

    Authors: Shamuel Auyeung (Calvin College, Grand Rapids, MI), Eric Yu (Calvin College, Grand Rapids, MI)
    Project Advisors: Todd Kapitula (Calvin College, Grand Rapids, MI)

    Abstract: Consider the linear general eigenvalue problem Ay = λBy, where A and B are both invertible and Hermitian N × N matrices. In this paper we construct...

  • Determining Critical Locations in a Road Network

    Published electronically April 2, 2014
  • A Comparison of Common Methods for Optimal Well Placement

    Published electronically May 2, 2014
  • Epidemiology of MdSGHV in Musca domestica

    Published electronically July 9, 2014
  • Spatial-Temporal Modeling of Active Layer Thickness

    Published electronically July 16, 2014

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