SIAM Undergraduate Research Online

Volume 16

In This Volume

  • Food Deserts and k-Means Clustering

    Published electronically March 9, 2023

    DOI: 10.1137/22S1504445

    Authors: Garrett Kepler (California State University, East Bay), Maria Palomino (California State University, East Bay)
    Project Advisors: Andrea Arauza Rivera (California State University, East Bay)

    Abstract: Food deserts are regions where people lack access to healthy foods. In this article we use k-means clustering to cluster the food deserts in two Ba...

  • Malaria Early Warning Application for Individual Risk Assessment

    Published electronically November 7, 2023
  • Maximizing Harvest Yields in a Three-Species System

    Published electronically October 6, 2023
  • Implementation of the Boneh-Franklin IBE Scheme

    Published electronically September 1, 2023

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