Norbert Wiener Prize | SIAM

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Joint Prizes

Norbert Wiener Prize

Established in 1967, the prize honors Norbert Wiener, a founder of the field of cybernetics. The prize is awarded every three years by SIAM and the American Mathematical Society (AMS) for an outstanding contribution to applied mathematics. Nominations can be submitted via the AMS website.

Next Call for Nominations Opens: February 1, 2025

Prize Description

Prize Description

The Norbert Wiener Prize in Applied Mathematics recognizes outstanding contributions to applied mathematics in the highest and broadest sense. The prize is administered by the AMS and awarded jointly by AMS and SIAM.

Eligibility Criteria

A candidate must be a member of AMS or SIAM.

Required Materials

  • Nominator’s letter of recommendation for candidate
  • CV of the candidate
  • Proposed citation (up to 50 words)

Winner Announcement

Congratulations to the 2022 recipient, Eitan Tadmor! Read more about his accomplishments.

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Attend the Meeting

The Wiener Prize will next be awarded at the 2025 Joint Mathematics Meetings (JMM25) in Seattle, Washington, United States.

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Prize Details

Prize Details

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Nomination Deadline Calendar

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Selection Committee

Selection Committee


Amir Dembo
Not Provided


Bonnie Berger
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Leslie Greengard

About the Award

About the Norbert Wiener Prize

The Norbert Wiener Prize includes a $5,000 monetary prize and a certificate containing the citation.

Award Date

The Norbert Wiener Prize will next be awarded at the 2025 Joint Mathematics Meetings.

Award Presentation

The award will be presented at the Prize Session and Reception during the Joint Mathematics Meetings. The announcement of the award will appear in SIAM News, the SIAM website, and appropriate electronic media.

Award Fund

The initial funds for the prize were donated by the Mathematics Department of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The funds are held and managed by AMS.

Prize History

Prize History


The 2022 AMS-SIAM Norbert Wiener Prize in Applied Mathematics was awarded to Eitan Tadmor for his original contributions to applied and numerical analysis with applications in fluid dynamics, image processing, and collective dynamics. The prize also recognizes the significant impact of his fundamental work in theory and computation of nonlinear partial differential equations.

Selection Committee

Bruce Boghosian (Chair)
Suncica Canic
Ingrid Daubechies


The 2019 Norbert Wiener Prize in Applied Mathematics was awarded to Marsha Berger for her fundamental contributions to adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) and to Cartesian mesh techniques for automating the simulation of compressible flows in complex geometry.

Selection Committee

Emmanuel Candes (Chair)
James Demmel
Charles Doering


The 2019 Norbert Wiener Prize in Applied Mathematics was awarded to Professor Arkadi Nemirovski for his fundamental contributions to high-dimensional optimization and for his discovery of key phenomena in the theory of signal estimation and recovery.

Selection Committee

Emmanuel Candes (Chair)
James Demmel
Charles Doering


The 2016 Norbert Wiener Prize in Applied Mathematics was awarded to Constantine M. Dafermos for his foundational work in partial differential equations and continuum physics.

Selection Committee

Charles L. Epstein (Chair)
Walter Craig
Ronald A. DeVore


The 2013 Norbert Wiener Prize in Applied Mathematics was awarded to Andrew Majda for his groundbreaking work in theoretical fluid mechanics and its application to problems in atmospheric science and oceanography.

Selection Committee

Jerry L. Bona
Roger M. Temam

Selection Committee

James G. Glimm
Roland Glowinski
Nancy J. Kopell

Selection Committee

Philip J. Holmes (Chair)
David B. Mumford
Stanley J. Osher

Selection Committee

Thomas M. Liebling (Chair)
Martin Groetschel
Philip J. Holmes

2000 Alexandre J. Chorin, Arthur T. Winfree
1995 Hermann Flaschka, Ciprian Foias
1990 Michael Alzenman, Jerrold E. Marsden
1985 Clifford S. Gardner
1980 Tosio Kato, Gerald B. Whitham
1975 Peter D. Lax
1970 Richard E. Bellman


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