Ivo & Renata Babuška Prize

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Ivo & Renata Babuška Prize

Established in 2022 through a generous gift from Ivo and Renata Babuška, the prize is awarded every two years in recognition of high-quality interdisciplinary work that targets any aspect of modeling and numerical solution of a specific engineering or scientific application, including mathematical modeling, numerical analysis, algorithms, and validation.

Nomination Deadline: July 31, 2024

Submit a Nomination

Prize Description

Prize Description

The Ivo & Renata Babuška Prize will be awarded every two years in recognition of high-quality interdisciplinary work that targets any aspect of modeling and numerical solution of a specific engineering or scientific application, including mathematical modeling, numerical analysis, algorithms, and validation.

The value of the work will be measured by the quality of the modeling, mathematics and computational science, its impact on an engineering or scientific application, and the extent to which it brings together interdisciplinary perspectives.

Eligibility Criteria

The prize may be awarded to any member or members of the scientific community meeting the general guidelines of the award. The prize should be given for a single piece of work or a single body of work. The prize may be awarded to multiple individuals but only for contributions to a single piece of their collaborative work.

Required Materials

  • Nominator’s letter of recommendation for candidate
  • CV of the candidate
  • Two or three letters of support from experts in the field

Call for Nominations

SIAM is now accepting nominations for the 2025 award.

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Prize Details

Prize Details

Read the full prize specifications.

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Nomination Deadline Calendar

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Selection Committee

Selection Committee


Jeffrey Hittinger
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory


Gabriele Eichfelder
Technische Universitaet Ilmenau
Ilse Ipsen
North Carolina State University
Wilhelmus Schilders
Chao Yang
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

About the Award

About the Ivo & Renata Babuška Prize

The Ivo & Renata Babuška Prize award will be $10,000. If more than one person receives the prize, the cash award will be divided equally among the recipients, and a certificate will be issued to each recipient.

Award Date

The prize will first be awarded at the 2025 SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering.

Award Presentation

The award will be presented by the president of SIAM, who will announce the award, read the citation, and introduce the lecturer. The announcement of the award will be in SIAM News, the SIAM website, and released to other appropriate scientific journals, electronic newsletters, and major daily newspapers.

Prize History


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