Richard C. DiPrima Prize | SIAM

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Richard C. DiPrima Prize

The prize was established in 1986 in memory of Richard C. DiPrima, who served SIAM for many years and in 1979–1980 as SIAM President. It aims to recognize an early career researcher in applied mathematics and is based on the doctoral dissertation.

Next Call for Nominations Opens: May 1, 2025

Prize Description

Prize Description

The Richard C. DiPrima Prize is awarded every two years to one early career researcher who has done outstanding research in applied mathematics and who has completed his/her doctoral dissertation and completed all other requirements for his/her doctorate.

Eligibility Criteria

The requirements for the doctorate must have been equivalent to those for a U.S. doctorate. The dissertation must represent a topic of applied mathematics (defined as those topics covered by the SIAM journals). The dissertation must be submitted in English. An English translation is acceptable.

Candidates for the prize must have completed their doctoral dissertations and all other requirements for their doctorates during the period running from three to one years prior to the award date, selection is based on the dissertations of the candidates.

For the 2026 award, the candidate must have completed their dissertation and all other requirements between July 1, 2023 - June 30, 2025.

Required Materials

  • Nominator’s letter of recommendation for candidate
  • Candidate’s CV
  • Digital version of the candidate’s doctoral dissertation (PDF required)

Attend the Meeting

The prize will next be awarded at the 2024 SIAM Annual Meeting (AN24) in Spokane, Washington, United States. 

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Prize Details

Prize Details

Read the full prize specifications.

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Nomination Deadline Calendar

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Selection Committee

Selection Committee


Matthias Heinkenschloss
Rice University


Luca Formaggia
Politecnico di Milano
Jennifer Scott
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory

About the Award

About the Richard C. DiPrima Prize

The Richard C. DiPrima prize includes a $2,000 monetary prize and a certificate. SIAM will reimburse the recipient for reasonable travel expenses incurred in attending the award ceremony.

Award Date

The Richard C. DiPrima Prize will next be awarded in at the 2024 SIAM Annual Meeting.

Award Presentation

The prize will be presented by the SIAM President at the Prizes and Awards Luncheon. The announcement of the award will appear in SIAM News, the SIAM website, and appropriate electronic media.

Prize History

Prize History


The 2024 Richard C. DiPrima Prize is awarded to John C. Urschel for outstanding contributions to fundamental problems in applied linear algebra developed in his Ph.D. dissertation entitled ‘Graphs, Principal Minors, and Eigenvalue Problems.’

Selection Committee

Matthias Heinkenschloss (Chair)
Luca Formaggia
Jennifer Scott


The 2022 Richard C. DiPrima Prize is awarded to Matthew J. Colbrook for the high quality and mathematical innovation of his Ph.D. dissertation on the computation of spectra in infinite dimensions.

Selection Committee

Béatrice Rivière (Chair)
Jonathan Rubin
Stefan Ulbrich


The 2020 Richard C. DiPrima Prize is awarded to Anna Seigal for her doctoral dissertation, “Structured Tensors and the Geometry of Data,” and for her exemplary work in multilinear algebra that advances theoretical and applied knowledge, and that serves as a model of mathematical communication.

Selection Committee

Chad Topaz (Chair)
Janet Best
Jun Zou


The 2018 Richard C. DiPrima Prize is awarded to Peter Gangl for his dissertation entitled “Sensitivity-Based Topology and Shape Optimization with Application to Electrical Machines,” which contains outstanding work in applied mathematics on problems of design optimization arising in electrical engineering.

Selection Committee

Hans Kaper (Chair)
Paul A. Martin
Michael Hintermueller


The 2016 Richard C. DiPrima Prize is awarded to Blake H. Barker for his dissertation entitled “Numerical Proof of Stability of Roll Waves in the Small-Amplitude Limit for Inclined Thin Film Flow,” that provided a rigorous numerical proof for the stability of a problem in thin-film flow. His work has made novel contributions that will have an important impact on the area of numerical stability and analysis and related fields.

Selection Committee

George Yin (Chair)
Lora Billings
William D. Henshaw


The 2014 Richard C. DiPrima Prize is awarded to Thomas D. Trogdon for his doctoral dissertation, “Riemann-Hilbert Problems, Their Numerical Solution and the Computation of Nonlinear Special Functions.”  His dissertation has made outstanding contributions to the theory of and numerical methods for Riemann-Hilbert Problems and their applications to integrable systems, nonlinear partial differential equations, including the KdV and nonlinear Schrödinger equations, and special functions.  The clear and elegant exposition of the subject abounds with new insight, rigorous theory and convergence results for new and powerful numerical methods.

Selection Committee

John Lowengrub (Chair)
Francisco Marcellan
Karen Willcox


The 2012 Richard C. DiPrima Prize is awarded to Thomas Goldstein for his doctoral dissertation, “Algorithms and Applications for L1 Minimization,” and for devising an algorithm, the split Bregman iteration, which is remarkably effective for L1 minimization, in particular, to applications in compressed sensing and total variation-based image processing.

Selection Committee

Robert D. Skeel (Chair)
Liliana Borcea
Alan R. Champneys
Bengt Fornberg
Daan Huybrechs

Selection Committee

James H. Curry (Chair)
Patricia E. Bauman
Philip Maini

Selection Committee

Jaroslav Stark (Chair)
Gerda de Vries
Sharon R. Lubkin

2006 Xinwei Wu

Selection Committee

Marshall Slemrod (Chair)
Yuriko Y Renardy
Daniel B. Szyld

2004 Diego Dominici

Selection Committee

Andrew J. Wathen (Chair)
Emmanuele DiBenedetto
Suzanne M. Lenhart

2002 Gang Hu

Selection Committee

Joseph E. Flaherty (Chair)
Russel E. Caflisch

2000 Keith Lindsay
1998 Bart De Schutter
1996 David Paul Williamson
1994 Stephen Jonathan Chapman
1992 Anne Bourlioux and Robin Carl Young
1988 Mary E. Brewster


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