Northern and Central California Section of SIAM

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SIAM Section

Northern and Central California Section of SIAM

The Northern and Central California Section of SIAM services all counties within the state of California with the exception of: San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, Ventura, Kern, Los Angeles, San Bernardino, Orange, Riverside, San Diego and Imperial.

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Section Purpose and Activities

Section Purpose

Formed in 2024, the Northern and Central California Section of SIAM endeavors to provide an ongoing opportunity for mathematicians working in academia, national laboratory, and industry in the Northern and Central California regions to come together and form a strong social and professional network. Additionally, it will strive to provide undergraduate and graduate students, early career researchers, and those SIAM members who are unable to attend main conferences an opportunity to connect and take part of everything SIAM and the regional academic, laboratory, and industry communities can offer.


The Northern and Central California Section of SIAM will organize annual section meetings, seminars, and workshops on advanced topics in applied mathematics that are of common interest to the section members and connect with regional SIAM Student Chapters to promote collaboration in applied mathematics and its applications to industry and science.

How to Join a Section
How to Join a Section

SIAM Sections are regional or national subgroups of SIAM members that organize lectures, meetings, and other activities to serve members in their region. Get connected with members in your area. Section membership is free to all SIAM members - join SIAM today and we will automatically add you to your section at no cost!


Section Announcements

News and Announcements associated with SIAM Sections - regional or national subgroups of SIAM members that organize lectures, meeting and other activities to serve members in their region.


Welcome to the newest SIAM Section! Interested in becoming involved? Contact SIAM Section Staff, [email protected].

Look out for more information on the Northern and Central California Section of SIAM inaugural meeting in 2024!



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For Officers

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Section Archive

Past Officers and Activities associated with this SIAM Section.

Section Archive