SIAM Activity Group on Optimization Test of Time Award

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Activity Group Prizes

SIAM Activity Group on Optimization Test of Time Award

Established in 2022, the prize is awarded every three years to an individual or group of researchers for an outstanding single piece of work that has had significant and sustained influence on the field of optimization over a time period of at least 10 years preceding the year of the award.

Next Call for Nominations Opens: May 1, 2025

Prize Description

Prize Description

The SIAM Activity Group on Optimization (SIAG/OPT) Test of Time Award, established in 2022, is awarded every three years to an individual or group of researchers for an outstanding single piece of work that has had significant and sustained influence on the field of optimization over a time period of at least 10 years preceding the year of the award.

Thank you to the sponsors and donors who made this award possible.

Eligibility Criteria

The award recognizes a significant paper published in English in a peer-reviewed journal or peer-reviewed conference proceedings, during the time period between 10 and 20 years prior to the year of the award. There are no restrictions on the award recipients' eligibility. The contributions by which the work will be judged can range from purely theoretical to mainly computational or particularly influential on practical applications.

The prize may be awarded to multiple individuals but only for contributions to a single piece of their collaborative work.

For the 2026 award, the paper must have been published between the dates of January 1, 2006 - December 31, 2016.

Required Materials

  • Nominator’s letter of recommendation for candidate paper
  • Bibliographic citation for candidate paper
  • Digital version of the candidate paper (PDF required)

Winner Announcement

Congratulations to the 2023 recipients, Samuel Burer and Renato Monteiro! Learn more about their accomplishments.

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Prize Information

Prize Details

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Nomination Deadline Calendar

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Related Activity Group

Learn about the SIAM Activity Group on Optimization.

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Selection Committee

About the Award

About the SIAM Activity Group on Optimization Test of Time Award

The SIAG/OPT Test of Time Award will consist of a certificate containing the citation. If the paper has multiple co-authors, each will receive a certificate. There will be no cash award.

As part of the award, a representative author will be invited to present the paper at the triennial SIAM Conference on Optimization in a format to be determined by the conference’s program committee. Travel funds will be made available to reimburse the speaker for reasonable travel expenses incurred in attending the award ceremony and presenting the paper.

Award Date:

The prize will first be awarded at the 2026 SIAM Conference on Optimization.

Award Presentation:

The SIAG/OPT Chair and the Chair of the Prize Committee will announce the award at the SIAM Conference on Optimization and present the award to the recipient(s). An announcement of the award will appear in SIAM News, on the SIAG/OPT website, and in the SIAG/OPT Views-and-News newsletter.

Prize History

Prize History


A nonlinear programming algorithm for solving semidefinite programs via low-rank factorization, Mathematical Programming Series B, 95, 329-357 (2003)

Selection Committee

Katya Scheinberg (Chair)
Jon Lee
Defeng Sun
Stefan Wild
Margaret Wright


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