Peter Henrici Prize | SIAM

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Joint Prizes

Peter Henrici Prize

The prize honors Peter Henrici, a Swiss numerical analyst and teacher at the Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule-Zürich (ETH Zurich) for 25 years. The prize is awarded by SIAM and ETH Zurich for contributions to applied analysis and numerical analysis and/or for exposition appropriate for applied mathematics and scientific computing.

Next Call for Nominations Opens: May 1, 2026

Prize Description

Prize Description

The Peter Henrici Prize is awarded every four years at the International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM) jointly by ETH Zurich and SIAM. It is awarded for original contributions to applied analysis and numerical analysis and/or for exposition appropriate for applied mathematics and scientific computing. The award is intended to recognize broad and extended contributions to these subjects more than for a single outstanding work.

Eligibility Criteria

The prize may be awarded to any member of the scientific community who meets the general guideline of the prize description.

Required Materials

  • Nominator’s letter of recommendation for candidate
  • Candidate's CV
  • Two or three letters of support from experts in the field

Winner Announcement

Congratulations to the 2023 recipient, Douglas N. Arnold! Learn more about his accomplishments.

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Prize Details

Prize Details

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Nomination Deadline Calendar

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Selection Committee

About the Award

About the Peter Henrici Prize

The Peter Henrici Prize includes a $5,000 monetary award and a certificate containing the citation. A lecture is requested and will be publicized in meeting announcements. SIAM will reimburse the recipient for reasonable travel expenses incurred in attending the award ceremony and giving the lecture.

Award Date

The Peter Henrici Prize will next be awarded at the 2027 International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM 2027).

Award Presentation

The prize will be presented by the SIAM President at the SIAM prizes and awards ceremony held during the ICIAM congress. The announcement of the award will appear in SIAM News, the SIAM website, and appropriate electronic media.

Award Fund

The initial funds for this award were contributed by ETH Zurich.

Prize History

Prize History


The 2023 Peter Henrici Prize is awarded to Douglas Arnold for fundamental contributions of extraordinary originality, depth, and impact to the finite element analysis of partial differential equations, ranking amongst the classics in numerical analysis literature.

Selection Committee

Charles Elliott (Chair)
Annalisa Buffa
Helmut Harbrecht
Hongkai Zhao


The 2019 Peter Henrici Prize is awarded to Weinan E for his breakthrough contributions in various fields of applied mathematics and scientific computing, particularly in nonlinear stochastic (partial) differential equations, computational fluid dynamics, computational chemistry, and machine learning. His scientific work has an immense impact and has led to the resolution of many long-standing scientific problems.

Selection Committee

Siddhartha Mishra (Chair)
Habib Ammari
Dario Bini
Marlis Hochbruck


The 2015 Peter Henrici Prize is awarded to Eitan Tadmor for his original, broad, and fundamental contributions to the applied and numerical analysis of nonlinear partial differential equations and their applications in areas such as fluid dynamics, image processing, and social dynamics.

Selection Committee

Qiang Du (Chair)
Ralf Hiptmair
Siddhartha Mishra
Eric Vanden-Eijnden


The 2011 Peter Henrici Prize is awarded to Björn Engquist for original contributions to applied analysis and numerical analysis and/or for exposition appropriate for applied mathematics and scientific computing. The award is intended to recognize broad and extended contributions to these subjects, more than a single outstanding work.

Selection Committee

Christoph Schwab (Chair)
Gilbert Strang
Nick Trefethen

Selection Committee

Beresford N. Parlett (Chair)
Martin H. Gutknecht
Randall J. LeVeque
Christoph Schwab

Selection Committee

Martin H. Gutknecht (Chair)
Rolf Jeltsch

1999 Germund Dahlquist


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