George Pólya Prize in Mathematics | SIAM

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George Pólya Prize in Mathematics

The George Pólya Prize in Mathematics was established in 1992 as an extension into other fields of the George Pólya Prize in Combinatorics. It is awarded in areas of interest to George Pólya not covered by SIAM’s other Pólya Prizes.

Next Call for Nominations Opens: May 1, 2025

Prize Description

Prize Description

The George Pólya Prize in Mathematics is awarded every four years for a significant contribution, as evidenced by a refereed publication, in an area of mathematics of interest to George Pólya not covered by the George Pólya Prize in Applied Combinatorics or the George Pólya Prize for Mathematical Exposition.

Such areas may include approximation theory, complex analysis, number theory, orthogonal polynomials, probability theory, and mathematical discovery and learning. The prize is broadly intended to recognize specific recent work.

Eligibility Criteria

The prize may be awarded to multiple individuals but only for contributions to their collaborative work.

Required Materials

  • Nominator’s letter of recommendation for candidate(s)
  • CV(s) of candidate(s)
  • Bibliographic citation of key contributing paper
  • Two or three letters of support from experts in the field

Winner Announcement

Congratulations to the 2022 recipients, Antti Kupiainen, Rémi Rhodes, and Vincent Vargas! Read more about their accomplishments.

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Prize Details

Prize Details

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Nomination Deadline Calendar

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Selection Committee

About the Award

About the George Pólya Prize in Mathematics

The George Pólya Prize in Mathematics includes an engraved medal and a monetary award that totals $10,000 for all winners. If more than one person receives the prize, the monetary award will be divided equally among the recipients. SIAM will reimburse the recipient for reasonable travel expenses incurred in attending the award ceremony.

Award Date

The prize will next be awarded at the 2026 SIAM Annual Meeting. 

Award Presentation

The prize will be presented by the SIAM President at the Prizes and Awards Luncheon. The announcement of the award will appear in SIAM News, the SIAM website, and appropriate electronic media.

Award Fund

The initial funds for this prize were contributed by the estate of Stella V. Pólya.

Prize History

Prize History


The 2022 George Pólya Prize in Mathematics is awarded to Kupiainen, Rhodes and Vargas for a rigorous justification of the DOZZ formula for three-point structure constants in Liouville Conformal Field Theory.

Selection Committee

Edward Saff (Chair)
Wolfgang Dahmen
Alicia Dickenstein
Arno Kuijlaars
Kavita Ramanan


The 2014 George Pólya Prize is awarded to Adam Marcus, Daniel A. Spielman, and Nikhil Srivastava for the introduction and development of the method of interlacing polynomials, and for its use in the solution of the Kadison-Singer problem.

Selection Committee

John Gilbert (Chair)
George Andrews
Emmanuel Candes
Yuval Peres
Bernd Sturmfels

Selection Committee

Charles K. Chui (Chair)
Henry Cohn
Thomas G. Kurtz
Tom Lyche
S. R. Srinivasa Varadhan

Selection Committee

Peter D. Lax (Chair)
George Andrews
Carl de Boor
Jean Taylor
Craig Tracy

Selection Committee

Percy Deift (Chair)
Ronald Graham
Martin Gutknecht
Andrew Odlyzko

1998 Percy Deift and Xin Zhou; and Peter Sarnak
1994 Gregory Chudnovsky and Harry Kesten


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