ED24 Invited Presentations | SIAM

Invited Presentations

SIAM Conference on Applied Mathematics Education (ED24)

Invited Presentations

Ron Buckmire
Occidental College, U.S.
MetaMath: A Quantitative Justice Project to Enhance EDI in the Mathematical Sciences

Carrie Diaz Eaton
Bates College, U.S.
Joint Plenary Speaker with the 2024 SIAM Annual Meeting (AN24)
Signals of a Critical Transition in Inclusive STEM Education 

Jess Ellis Hagman
Colorado State University, U.S.
Supporting Graduate Students to Make Changes to the System from Within

Rebecca E. Garcia
Colorado College, U.S.
Creating a Welcoming, Collaborative Learning Environment in Undergraduate Research Programs

Mahmoud Harding
Data Science 4 Everyone, U.S.
Transforming Mathematics Instruction Through the Use of Data Science